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Facility Cleaning & Disinfection Program modifications for Families

As mentioned, I am sending out this updated plan for the gym. Thank you to everyone who is riding this out with us, especially those who have committed to stay enrolled even though they are not bringing their kids until things settle down. Children’s activity centers are a backbone of our society and many will be forced to close because of this and your continued support allows us to keep our building as well as our staff employed.

Major changes that require changes on your part will be listed first as well as Staff guidelines that will be included for your information on how we are keeping things sanitized, as well as our usual Daily Prep routine. Again, makeups have been extended to 45 days, and will be extended further as needed for anyone who feels the need to skip, especially this next couple weeks. Please create a family focus on nutrition and fitness to strengthen the immune system and do not come in if you or your family are sick.

Parent Instruction:

  1. As a reminder, all classes are finishing 5 minutes early and that staff member will be sanitizing equipment used. We have altered rotations and lesson-planning for staff to ensure we are able to sanitize EVERY item touched by a recreational athlete’s hands.

  2. Your youth athlete MUST be on time so we can make sure hands are washed prior to class. We will be using the sink in the exercise area, not the spectator restroom for this. At the end of class, youth athletes will be asked to wash hands again. Preschool/Toddler age parents are asked to see to it that their kid’s hands are washed prior to the start of class and after.

  3. Spectator seating is being limited to 1 adult spectator per athlete in each building. We’re not checking IDs at the door, but please respect this policy. Siblings that are not waiting for a class should not be in the building. You are more than welcome to bring a chair and watch through the windows, but we are limiting indoor exposure as much as possible.

  4. ALL athletes should wear socks and laced tennis shoes(or assigned dance shoe) to practice. They will not be allowed to participate without this. Please don’t send them in slip-ons, sandals, etc that may fly off as they exercise. For our younger athletes, please make sure these are double-knotted.

  5. Only water bottles should be brought in the exercise area. Please leave bag, jackets, etc with their spectator.

  6. The front door is left open on purpose, please do not close it.

  7. Please DO NOT touch the railing or allow your child to touch the glass. These are cleaned daily, but we can’t wipe it down every time a child touches it.

  8. A bleach and water solution as well as disposable gloves and paper towels will be available for those who wish to sanitize their chair before sitting. Please remember it is bleach…so don’t get it on your clothes. Our staff are unable to sanitize chairs in between each use. Please limit belongings that you might be tempted to place on the floor or a neighboring chair.

  9. Open Gym will not be occurring during March and April, and private lessons will not be allowed weekdays between 5:30 and 7:30, peak times, going forward.

  10. Some classes may be rotating between our Dance & Martial Arts Studio next door and our Gymnastics & Cheer building to ease crowding or enable cleaning and sanitation time.




Additional instruction given to staff beyond previous instructions:

1: Prep list has changed and will continue to evolve. It will be on the week’s schedule. It MUST be followed exactly in order going forward. There will also be an updated closing list now.

2: Every class ends 5 minutes early and staff spends that time mopping the mats that they used. EVERY used mat must be mopped, so if that means you will run late for your next class, you must communicate as early as you can to a member of Leadership so we can correct it, but it is more important than starting on time. You can mop while they are running, etc.

3. Anything smaller than a domino should NOT be used as we are not cleaning these regularly enough (dots, french fries, etc). They are too small to mop and take too long. Please start placing these items in the back room so we don’t forget.

4. For any scheduled privates, you must wipe down your mat immediately following that private. So if you have back to back privates, you will need to change them to allow for this to happen. Private lessons should only be held during non-peak times. The kids are out of school and likely so are you so please try to reschedule for a time when teams are not in the gym.

5. Open Gym will no longer be held. Team athletes may not enter the exercise areas until two minutes before class time.

6. If you are feeling sick, you need to let us know immediately. Do not wait until right before your shift. You know when your body feels off. Lack of responsibility is not a symptom of Coronavirus, however symptoms that are should be reported to Management immediately.

7. Please make healthy choices for yourself. Eat right and get enough sleep. We have Emergen-C packets, oranges/orange juice, etc here and available for you. In the event of an athlete sneezing on you, etc, you must make sure to take the proper actions necessary to protect yourself.

8. Staff should be washing their hands after mopping and in-between each class, following suggested guidelines of 20 seconds, etc.

9. Coaches will not spot to correct shapes, but only for safety. IF your athlete is working a skill where a safety spot is necessary, we will not be focusing on that this week. There are MANY elements that don’t need spots that need a focus. Take this opportunity to fix the things that get overlooked normally because you are busy spotting.

10. Shoes are now going to be a thing. We will be announcing that socks and laced tennis shoes must be worn for all recreational classes.

11. Any athlete showing any symptom should be reported to Leadership immediately.

12. Front door to the gym must always be propped open to limit hand contact. Spectators should NOT be touching the railing anyways, but especially now.



Recreational Athlete Rotation Changes to Limit Shared Contact


Preschool classes should only be on the Preschool Bar, Beginners only on the “Pink Bar” and the nearby Chinup Bar, Intermediate on the TumbleTrak side bar. Each bar will be sectioned off with Painter’s tape, allowing you to assign each section to one kid so they are essentially not touching the same bar. For preschool, the bar will only be in two sections. you will have a Clorox wipe and a dry rag and sanitize and dry every two kids. You will do slightly longer turns and only have them go through the circuit once to make this efficient and not waste their class time.



For recreational athletes, TumbleTrak will be used by athletes wearing shoes only and will only be used for skills that require no hand/skin contact. Jumps, Leaps, etc.


BEAM: Limited to floor beams only and feet only skills. Please spend a lot of time working on supplementary conditioning and complexes, as well as a heavy focus on dance and presentation.


FLOOR (Gymn. Classes): Hand contact on vinyl surfaces only. These surfaces are the most easily washed and sanitized. An open panel mat may be used on the carpet. We will be issuing something similar to a dollarstore placemat that will be able to be taken from station to station with them. These must be sanitized after each class as well. (We plan to hopefully get enough where we can last to the end of the day.


CHEER: Class will also not make hand contact with non-vinyl surfaces. Stunting will be altered for the remainder of the month to ensure no athlete contacts another. A supplementary training plan for stunt progressions will be set up with your Department Head and Nathan this week. Heavy focus on physical readiness for stunting as well as continued work on Jumps, Tumbling, Motion, Dance, and Choreography.


MARTIAL ARTS: Please use a heavy focus on forms and conditioning. As competitions have been cancelled, recommending a cardio heavy “hell-week” scenario. Hand contact with floor for conditioning should be limited to either a “placemat” situation similar to Gymnastics Floor or an assigned area where one athlete is the only one touching that area until the next time it is mopped. In the spirit of real-life defense scenarios, shoes will be worn for additional focus on footwork. Any kickpads, etc for striking with the hands should not be shared from student to student without being sanitized OR disposable gloves will be provided for that station. Saturday class will move to the Studio. Any student asking to use the bathroom is to be verbally reminded to use a seat protector, also a paper towel to touch door handle, flush toilet, turn off water, and exit. An additional trash can and paper towels will be made available outside of the bathroom to assist with these policies. Parent Seating will be limited to one spectator in the room per student. Spectator bathroom use should not happen during a studio class anyways, but if necessary, please ask spectator to follow the same policies and to volunteer to sanitize the bathroom after use.


DANCE: Limit classes to skills on the feet only. Choreography/Stretching that requires hand contact on the floor should be altered. Athlete spacing should increase wherever possible. Bathroom must be sanitized in between each class. Any student asking to use the bathroom is to be verbally reminded to use a seat protector, also a paper towel to touch door handle, flush toilet, turn off water, and exit. An additional trash can and paper towels will be made available outside of the bathroom to assist with these policies. Parent Seating will be limited to one spectator in the room per student. Spectator bathroom use should not happen during class anyways, but if necessary, please ask spectator to follow the same policies and to volunteer to sanitize the bathroom after use.

Main Facility BATHROOMS: Bathrooms will be sanitized on a schedule a minimum of once each hour. Any student asking to use the bathroom is to be verbally reminded to use a seat protector, also a paper towel to touch door handle, flush toilet, turn off water, and exit. An additional trash can and paper towels will be made available outside of the bathroom to assist with these policies. All Preschoolers should be given to their parents for all bathroom use. No youth age students should be using the Spectator bathroom anyways, but please remind them.



Daily Facility Prep Duties


Unlock and prop open front Door

Put Sign Out

Turn On Monitor

Put Personal Belongings Away

Turn On Gym Lights (as needed)

Prop Open all other Doors (Exterior & Bathroom

Start Roomba

Turn on heat to 68 during prep if necessary.


Urgent Office

Check Office Phone and Email for Urgent Tasks

Nothing Urgent, Dismiss and File easy tasks

Empty Roomba


Catch-Up Office

Process Online Activity except new accounts & Trials

Return Emails and empty Inbox

Check Voicemails, removing related texts & missed calls as you go.

Return Missed Calls

Return Text Messages

Call New Accounts & Trials (no answer, text instead of voicemail)

Dismiss & Approve Makeup & Trials requests

Go through old texts and Delete, Follow-up, or Save if needed.

Keep Phone with You

Empty Roomba

Stock Bathroom Supplies, then clean all surfaces other than floor

Stock both Snack Shack areas

Print rotation schedule and staff schedule and post


Trash & Clutter

Clean Off Desk, sanitizing mice/keyboards, etc

Clean Out & Disinfect Cubbies

Clean Out Baskets under TT

Walk-through Gym and pickup small items (trash; not mats)

Empty Roomba & Check Office Activity





Dance Room

Back Room

Office Area

Empty Roomba & Check Office Activity





Dance/MMA Studio

Back Room

Office Area

Empty Roomba

Check Office for new activity



Sanitize & Put Away Mats

Empty Roomba & Check Office

Clean Bar Rails, including supports, posts, etc.

Empty Roomba

Wipe down wall next to TumbleTrak, behind Beam area, behind Pink Bar and Purple Bar




Vault Runway (empty canister after)

Bar Area (Clean Filter and empty canister after)

Beam Area

Spring Floor


Closing Cleaning (after Sanitizing used matting)

Start Roomba & Maintain Office

Vacuum bars area (Clean Filter and empty canister after)

Clean Glass & Railing

Wipe down Chairs

Take Out All Trash

Print Prep List for next day and do prep duties as time permits, marking them off as you go for next staff member. Bathrooms should be the priority if families are still in the gym. Walkway sweeping/mopping should be the priority if families are gone from the gym.

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